What Are Brackets in Punctuation? - English Grammar - The English Digest

What Are Brackets in Punctuation?

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Introduction to Brackets

What Are Brackets in Punctuation? Brackets are essential tools in writing, providing clarity, additional information, and structure. Their correct usage can greatly enhance the readability and professionalism of your text. In this blog post, we’ll explore what brackets are, the types of brackets in writing, and their importance. We’ll also delve into the nuances of punctuation rules for brackets, writing tips, and famous quotes using brackets.

Importance of Brackets

Brackets are crucial in written communication as they help provide additional information without interrupting the main flow of text. They can also clarify meaning, correct errors, and add editorial comments. Misusing brackets can lead to confusion or misinterpretation, sometimes resulting in humorous outcomes.

  • Without Parentheses: My sister who is a doctor can help you.
  • With Parentheses: My sister (who is a doctor) can help you.

In the first example, the sentence suggests the speaker might have more than one sister, whereas the second example clarifies that the sister mentioned is a doctor.

What Are Brackets in Punctuation?

Brackets are punctuation marks that enclose words, phrases, or numbers within a sentence. They come in various forms, each serving a different purpose in writing. Understanding the correct punctuation usage of brackets can help you convey your message more effectively. Here are the four main types of brackets:

The Four Types of Brackets

  1. Round Brackets or Parentheses ( )
  2. Square Brackets [ ]
  3. Curly Brackets or Flower Brackets { }
  4. Angle Brackets < >

How and Where to Use Brackets

Brackets can be used in various contexts, each with its own set of rules and guidelines. Here’s a detailed look at how and where to use different types of brackets, complete with examples.

Round Brackets or Parentheses ( )

Parentheses are used to include non-essential information, add explanations, or insert additional comments.

  • To add additional information: “He finally answered (after taking five minutes to think).”
  • To clarify an acronym: “The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating the case.”
  • To indicate plural forms: “Please bring your child(ren) to the event.”
  • For asides: “The party was amazing (despite the rain).”
  • In technical writing: “The solution (2 mol/L) was prepared correctly.”


  •  She finally answered (after taking five minutes to think) that she didn’t understand the question.
  • The conference will be held next week (March 20-22).
  •  He received a letter from his father (whom he hadn’t seen in years).
  • The results (which were unexpected) were published in the journal.
  •  She bought a new car (a red convertible).

Square Brackets [ ]

Square brackets are used to add clarifications, corrections, or editorial comments, especially within quoted text.

  • To clarify within quotes: “She [the CEO] will join us soon.”
  • To add missing information: “The committee will meet [on Tuesday] to discuss.”
  • To correct errors: “He is an excellent [writer].”
  • In bibliographies: “Smith, J. [Ed.]. (2020).”
  • In legal documents: “The defendant [Mr. John Doe] was present.”


  • The study concluded that “students [who study regularly] perform better in exams.”
  • She said, “I will [definitely] be there.”
  •  The text states, “He [the protagonist] was the hero of the story.”
  • “They [the researchers] discovered a new species.”
  •  The sign read, “No entry [except for employees].”

Curly Brackets or Flower Brackets { }

Curly brackets are primarily used in mathematics, programming, and technical writing to group items together.

  • In programming: function() { // code here }
  • In mathematical sets: {2, 4, 6, 8}
  • To group related items: {apple, orange, banana}
  • In musical notation: {piano, violin, cello}
  • In poetry to denote stanzas: {Verse 1, Verse 2, Verse 3}


  •  The set of prime numbers less than 10 is {2, 3, 5, 7}.
  •  In programming, {x = 5; y = 10;} initializes two variables.
  •  Use {a, b, c} to denote the elements of a set.
  •  The function {f(x) = x^2} defines a parabola.
  • {Name, Age, Address} are the required fields.

Angle Brackets < >

Angle brackets are used in technical and scientific writing to enclose URLs, email addresses, or tags.

  • To denote tags in HTML: <html>
  • In bibliographies: <https://theenglishdigest.com/>
  • To indicate placeholders: <Your Name>
  • In mathematics to denote vectors: <1, 0, -1>
  • In linguistic examples: <word>


  •  To visit our website, go to <https://theenglishdigest.com/>.
  •  Email us, at <[email protected]>.
  •  The HTML tag <div> is used for division.
  • Use <h1> for main headings in HTML.
  •  The syntax <command> is used in command line interfaces.

Are Brackets and Parentheses the Same?

While brackets and parentheses are often used interchangeably in casual writing, they serve different purposes and are not the same. Parentheses (one of the brackets) are primarily used to add non-essential information, whereas brackets are used for clarification, editorial comments, or technical purposes.

What Are Nested Brackets?

Nested brackets are sets of brackets within other brackets, used to add layers of information or clarify complex details. When using nested brackets in writing, the order typically follows this sequence: parentheses ( ), square brackets [ ], curly brackets { }, and angle brackets < >.

Here’s an example using all four types in the correct order:

“The formula (which the professor explained [during the lecture {that covered advanced topics <and also had a Q&A session>}]) was complex.”

Guidelines for Using Brackets and Parentheses in Written Language

Brackets and parentheses are versatile punctuation marks with various functions. Proper use of these symbols can enhance the clarity and readability of your writing. Below are some guidelines to help you effectively incorporate brackets and parentheses into your writing.

Providing Additional Information:

Brackets and parentheses are primarily used to add extra information or clarification to the text. This additional detail can be crucial for the reader’s understanding without disrupting the flow of the main sentence.


    • The meeting (originally scheduled for Monday) has been postponed.
    • The author [John Doe] won the award in 2020.

Using Abbreviations:

When using abbreviations, you can enclose the full form in parentheses or vice versa. This is particularly useful when the abbreviation will be repeated throughout the text.


      • The World Health Organization (WHO) is leading the efforts.
      • WHO (World Health Organization) has released new guidelines.

Indicating Plural Forms:

Brackets can be used to indicate the plural form of a word, showing that one or more items are being considered.


    • Please bring your child(ren) to the event.
    • The applicant(s) should submit their resume(s) by Friday.

Adding Personal Comments:

Parentheses can be used to insert personal comments or asides into the text, providing the writer’s voice without interrupting the main message.


    • The project was completed on time (despite numerous setbacks).
    • He agreed to the terms (much to our surprise).

Citing References: In academic or research writing, parentheses are used to cite sources within the text, ensuring proper attribution and allowing readers to find the original source.


    • The theory was first proposed in 1999 (Smith, 2000).
    • Several studies have supported this claim (Jones et al., 2015).

Punctuation with Parentheses:

When a parenthetical element appears at the end of a sentence, place a comma, question mark, exclamation point, or period outside the closing parenthesis unless the entire sentence is within the parentheses.


    • We are meeting at 5 PM (don’t be late).
    • Can you believe it (I can’t)?

End-of-Sentence Comments:

If you add a comment at the end of a sentence, close the parenthesis before adding a period, question mark, or exclamation point.


    • He finally finished the project (after months of hard work).
    • She said yes (to everyone’s surprise)!

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